Becoming a Better Writer…

Priya writes
3 min readSep 4, 2023


Writing can be tough, even for experienced writers. At first, it feels like a big challenge, but as you practice, it gets easier. It’s like taking a journey, and I’m just starting.

Right now, my main focus is on getting better at writing. I see publishing my work as a step in the right direction, but I know I have a lot to learn. Writing is a skill that takes time to develop. And I hope one day I will become a great writer.

I want to share some things I am learning to improve my writing skills:

  1. Observe People:

One helpful exercise is to watch people in different places like a park or mall. Write down what you see and think. This helps you become more creative and better at describing things.

2. Start Free Writing:

Another exercise is free writing. You set a timer for a certain amount of time, like 30 minutes, and just write whatever comes to mind. This helps you get your ideas flowing and overcome writer’s block.

3. Use a Random Sentence:

Try taking a sentence from a book you like and use it to start a short story. You can make the story go in any direction you want. This helps you come up with new ideas and find your own writing style.

4. Practice Writing:

Pick a topic you like and write an article about it. Organize your thoughts and do some research. This helps you become better at organizing your ideas and writing articles.

5. Learn from Other Writers:

Read books and articles from other writers. Pay attention to how they write and what makes their writing good. Try to use their techniques in your own writing.

6. Help Edit Others’ Articles:

Editing is an important part of writing. Try to find articles online and fix mistakes in them. This helps you become better at spotting errors and making your writing clearer.

7. Growth Through Practice

As I kept writing and trying different things, I got better at finding that balance. I realized that writing is not just about putting words on paper. It’s about creating an experience for the reader, making them feel like they’re a part of the story.

8. Balancing Act: Narration and Immersion

One of the challenges in writing is finding the right balance. Readers don’t want a boring narrator who just tells them what’s happening. They want to feel like they’re part of the story, experiencing it with the characters. It’s like being on an adventure together.

CONCLUSION: As I keep doing these exercises, I see my writing getting better. Writing is a journey, and I’m still at the beginning. But with practice and patience, I know I can become a better writer.

In the end, writing is all about connecting with readers and taking them on a journey through the power of words. And that’s something worth working for, no matter how challenging it may be at times.



Priya writes

I recently started writing blogs and I am exploring on different topics and content to write, I also share my personal experiences here.